The Regrettysburg Address

Trump Tweeted today: ‘We have narrowed the Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech, to be delivered on the final night of the Convention (Thursday), to two locations – The Great Battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and the White House, Washington, D.C. We will announce the decision soon!’ Here’s a preview of what he will say:

“Four score — some people say five score, I say four score. And nobody knows this but “score” is 20 years. Twenty years. So, four score is 24 years — maybe 25 — I don’t know. And seven years ago — so around thirty years, some people are saying maybe more — our fathers, and probably some grandfathers, you see a lot of those around, I see a few of them here today.

These fathers brought forth on this continents — and it just happened, they don’t even know, nobody knows why it happened, there’s no way to know, but it did, believe me, and no other president did it before — I’ve had people come up to me, grown men, and they say ‘President Trump! Thank you for these continents! Before there were no continents! Now, we’ve got these continents. So, thank you, Mr. President.’ — a new nation, which is better than the old one, believe me, that’s why we’re gonna make America great again, right? They don’t know. Nobody knew about score. But I knew it. And it’s conceived in Liberty University — great school, right? They’ve said a lot of nice things about me down there. Lot of nice things. And dedicated — so dedicated, I can tell you, some of these people — to the preposition that all men — and that includes men on both sides and some of the women — we love the women, don’t we? We love the women, don’t we? We love ‘em. This guy knows what I’m talking about. The women. — are crated equal — some are more equal, sure, I’m not going to say they’re not. It is what it is. That’s called ‘equality.’ It’s not equal. Everybody knows it.

“Now we are engaged — and it’s like being engaged, I can tell you. I’ve been engaged more than a few times and it’s tremendous. Just tremendous. The engagement. — in a great civil war — a lot of people forget about that word ‘civil.’ It means ‘civility.’ And people in this war are being civil — some of them from the North have not been all that civil to me, I can tell you. They don’t play nice with Trump. And some of these guys from the South. I love the south. I love it. Everybody loves it. And people say, [use a mocking tone here] ‘you can’t say that because they have the slaves in the south and they need them to work and that’s bad!’ If that’s so bad, why don’t the people from up north go down there and do the work? Then they don’t need slaves, right? See, the north, they don’t want to work? They’re not sending their best people. Some of them are OK, I guess. I don’t know. And it’s testing — you know, I took a test the other day. They said, ‘Mr. President, we just want to make sure you’ve got all of your cognitives. Can you look at this picture and tell us what it is?’ And I said it’s a camel and they said ‘Nobody ever got that one before!’ I dunno, I might be a genius. I think I am. — whether that nation — and it’s ‘whether’ not ‘weather.’ Other people say it’s ‘weather.’ But’s it’s not. — or any nation — some really fine nations out there. Norway. North Korea. I dunno. These are some good nations. There’s some shitholes, too, believe me. — so conceived and so dedicated — and some of these people — and I know them and you know them — they’re so dedicated. So dedicated. — can long endure. People say America has endured more in the last four years than it ever has before. And that’s what we’re doing for America. Endurance. America has never had this kind of endurance. That’s what they say. You won’t hear about it in the lying New York Times or the failing Washington Post or the Fake News. You won’t hear about this endurance. But believe me, we’re doing big things with enduring things in this thing. We are met — some say we aren’t, some people in our intelligence say we are. But I’m not so sure. — on a great battle-field — a tremendous battlefield — a beautiful, warm, loving battlefield full of people and some of them really good-looking people too, I can tell you. Tremendous battlefield. — of that war — and it’s a war, believe me. And I know more about this war than anybody. Some of these generals, they say, ‘Trump! You did it again. You knew — and we didn’t even know (this is the generals, some of them, talking here) we didn’t even know about this war. But you did, Mr. President.’ We have come to dictate — some say dedicate, I say dictate — a portion — but why not all of it? Am I right? — of that field — that tremendous, that beautiful field, and it’s so beautiful — as a final resting place — And I don’t get it. Do you? Do you want to rest in a field? Who wants to rest in a field? — for those who here — and maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. Maybe they were resting? I dunno. — gave their lives — some did, anyway — not everybody — that that nation — the GREATEST NATION, right? — might live — and I’m telling you, if you get Biden, nobody’s gonna live because you get the radical left. You get socialism. You get antifa! And Biden should be in jail. He’s sleepy. He’s a sleepy criminal who hurts God. And no more religion. And the bible. It is altogether fitting some people are saying and proper that we should do this. And we’re doing this. These kids are trying to tear down all the statues. They’re erasing history because everybody knows that they only make a statue if it really happened and not if it didn’t. That’s history. But all these scientific minds are trying to change that. So, we’re doing this because some people say it’s proper. A score of people said this.

“But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground — that’s what the liberals and the radical left want you to think. We can NOT do this. But we’re gonna do it. We’re gonna do it! We’re gonna hallow it. The brave men — and some of them not brave — living with bone spurs and — you know, some of them are dead, who struggled here — and it’s a tremendous struggle, have consecrated something and it’s beautiful, far above our poor — you can see them from Air Force One. Have you seen Air Force One? It’s tremendous! — power to add or detract — and that’s how TikTok works. They detract your data and send it to China. They send it to CHINA! The world will little note — and sometimes I like to write little notes to people — nor long remember — and my memory has been tested! Doctors saying ‘WHAT A MEMORY!!’ — what we say here — that’s what they say — but it can never forget what they did here — and what they did here was so tremendous. They were here. And they did a tremendous thing. Some did lots of things. — It is for us the living — and as long as we’re living we’re not gonna wear masks out of fear. These radical leftists want you to wear a mask. And that’s OK. Wear ‘em. I don’t need to because I get tested. — , rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work — and believe me, there’s a lot of unfinished work here and I’m not about to pay one cent for it!! NOT ONE CENT!!! — which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced — and you won’t hear about it. Lots of people have advanced the Nobel to me. They say ‘you deserve it, Mr. President.’ I don’t know. — It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task — a tremendous task — remaining before us — that from these beautiful honored dead — and Melania and I send our warmest condolences, we really do — we take increased devotion — more devotion, it’s increased! — to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — you know it. I know it. That’s what they did. Believe me. And that’s why these sons of bitches who kneel — they kneel, don’t they? — they kneel on the flag and on these honored dead guys and some living but probably not — that we here highly resolve — greatly highly — that these dead men and some women and even beautiful children too — shall not have died in vain — though they could have, it’s my decision. And this Chinavirus — some call it ‘coronavirus,’ I call it the ‘Chinavirus’ or the ‘Kung Flu,’ but we need to take it seriously, folks, because China is detracting your data with this thing — that this nation, under God — and God is — He’s tremendous for America. He loves it here. — , shall have a new birth of freedom and be great again and we can make it do that — and that government swamp — full of these cheaters and thugs — of the people, by the people, and some say for the people, — and a lot of other people, I can tell you — shall not perish from the earth — because one day maybe real soon the Covid-19 is just gonna go ‘poof.’ It’ll disappear. Gone! And the Fake News Lamestream Media won’t even tell you that Obama was the real racist.”

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